Internet Search - Personalized

For this rebrand, I took it back to the drawing board.

The old logo was unbalanced and made use of a standard but slightly customized typeface and the diamond symbol was too generic to accurately represent what Hiswai does; connect ideas and searches autonomously and provide its users with in-depth and detailed specific results.

We switched this logo to a modern and friendly typeface and simplified the idea of connection down to the beam of light between the two i’s of the logo.

Rebrand + Brand Guide


I did a deep exploration of all the different visual ways to represent connection, from old-school ideas like repurposing the @ symbol into a custom h icon to building bridges in perspective that doubled as H’s.

That led me to combine the H and W from Hiswai into a simple bridge icon.

Ultimately that led to a stylized and simplistic H.

As the exploration continued and with feedback from the client along the way I moved towards what search could be represented by and came up with the option of building a subtle magnifying glass into a customized wordmark.

From there I got more abstract and thought about how to create an h in negative space or with the motion of particles and how motion could be used to animate the logo if chosen.



The final logo came together after a few discussions with the client and the emphasis that the connection between ideas and search terms were essential.

Ideas connecting to ideas. i to i.

A beam of light shooting from one i to the next, a reference to a lighthouse on a hill shining out and illuminating new ideas or the visual representation of information flying across the internet from one person to another.

The client loved it and that’s how the final logo was born.


I provided a variety of colourways for the logo to be represented, be it on dark, light or coloured backgrounds. This way the logo has a variation that will be legible and scalable for any application in print or digital.

Hiswai wanted to introduce themselves to the world anew with a friendly and easy-to-read word. We shortened Hiswai to Hi for their social profiles and the client loved the friendly and accessible nature of it. Check it out in the wild on their social media.
